Contact Us

To contact CMAS, please use one of the following methods.  Email is the preferred way of making contact.

  • Email one of the section leaders.  See the contacts for the relevant sections in the menu above.
  • Visit us on a meeting night.  Turn up at the den at 6:15pm on Monday (Keas), 6:30pm Tuesday (Cubs) or 7pm Wednesday (Scouts) and talk with a leader.  Please be aware that leaders have many duties on a meeting night, and so you may need to wait before they have time to fully answer your questions.
  • Email the CMAS Group Leader on, or for general inquiries use
  • By Post to the PO Box address: Captain Musick Air Scouts, PO Box 82166, Highland Park, Auckland, New Zealand

If you are interested in booking the den to use for your event, then please use the Den Bookings page.

The CMAS Den is located at:

64 Pigeon Mountain Road
PO Box 82166
Highland Park
New Zealand