Joining CMAS
Please Note
Some sections may have a Waiting List, and your child may need to wait several terms before he or she is able to get a place. Priority is given to members moving up from other sections (for example, from Keas to Cubs) and so there may be a long wait in some cases. Other Scout groups with available spaces are available in the local area, and if you are placed on the waiting list, then you may be referred to one of them as an alternative.
Before you purchase a uniform, and pay the term fees, please first register to join and ensure there is a place available for your child. If the roll is full, then you may be able to join a waiting list; alternatively, you may be able to join another scout group in the area. There are several Land and Sea scout groups in the area which may have space; click here⊗ for some information.
To join, you should complete the online application form. You should then be contacted by the appropriate Section Leader who will tell you if there is a space available and when to turn up.
Paper forms
The application form is also available for download here: Scouts Membership Form⊗. If you prefer to print this you can bring it along to one of the meeting nights of the appropriate section. You may either turn up at the den on a meeting night (see times below), or email them (see the appropriate section tab above).
New Scouts may have up to four trial weeks before they need to purchase a uniform or pay fees. After this point, if they wish to continue, you should purchase a uniform for them, and pay the initial fees (Joining fee and the remaining weeks of the term). Once your child has a uniform and has met the other requirements, they will be Invested into the Scouts with a small ceremony and presented with their scarf and woggle – you are welcome to be present for this and to take photographs if you wish.
When you have joined, you’ll be given a copy of the Welcome Letter⊗
Information on obtaining and wearing Uniforms is on the Uniforms Page⊗.
In particular, please note that closed-toe shoes are essential. If your child comes with open toed shoes (such as crocs, or jandals) then they will miss out on some activities.
Although our Leaders are all volunteers and are not paid for their work, we still need to collect fees to pay for upkeep of the den and equipment, and for other activities. Information on the current fees, and how to pay, is on the Fees Page⊗.
Please note that we cannot accept payment in cash or by EFTPOS at the Den, as we do not have the facilities for this.
Section Meetings
We have meetings on a different night for each Section.
- Keas – ages 6-8 – Monday Nights 6:00 to 7:15 pm
- Cubs – ages 8-10.5 – Tuesdays 6:30-8:00pm
- Scouts – ages 10.5-14 – Wednesdays 7:00-9:00pm
- Ventures – 14.5 – 18 Thursdays 7:00-9:00pm
When you are dropping your child off:
- Please ensure you are not arriving too early as leaders will be busy preparing the evening and do not have the time to watch your child at this stage. Also, the den may not be unlocked until shortly before the start time.
- Ensure there are two adult leaders at the den before you leave your child for the evening. This is a rule mandated by Scouting New Zealand. There must always be at least two warranted Leaders present for the evening to run.
- Keas and Cubs leaders may require you to sign in your child to ensure they are aware who is present, particularly if the evening’s activity involves leaving the den.
When collecting your child:
- No child will be left at the den by themselves, so please ensure timely collection. If necessary we will call the contact numbers that you supplied when registering to join.
- Please make sure you go into the den to collect your child. They will not be allowed to meet you in the car park, particularly for the younger children.
- Keas and Cubs leaders may require you to sign out your child to ensure they are aware of who has collected your child.
- If notices have been handed out, please make sure your child has handed them to you.
- Should your Scout be taking themselves home please ensure that the leaders are aware of this, and this should only be done in daylight hours.
If you wish, you may wait in the den during the meeting. This is a great way to learn more about what your child is taking part in, and you may be inspired to become a Parent Helper or even a Leader or Committee member in the future. We have WiFi Internet available in the den; ask a leader for the current password if you wish to connect to it.
The main way our group keeps in contact with our families is through Online Scout Manager⊗.
Online Scout Manager is a tool used by groups to help them with their administration. As a parent, you will be invited into this system via email by your leader, and you are required to follow the link in the email create an account, then fill in in all the required fields on your child’s personal information page.
Once set up, you will be able to see what your child’s section’s program is for the term, and any special requirements needed for certain weeks. You will also be able to see what badges your child has been awarded. You will also be invited to special events though this system; please ensure you reply if you are going or not going to attend the events you are invited to, as this ensures the event numbers and paperwork are correct. Please ensure that your details are up to date at all times.
We also have a Facebook page⊗, where we put up some fantastic pictures of activities each of our sections do. This group is a closed group and you will need to be invited to join. Upon submitting a request to join the group’s page our group admin may ask you to confirm which section your child belongs to.
Remember communication is encouraged in both directions, and should you have any questions you can email your leaders regarding the subject. Alternatively, if you wish to speak to someone in person, then please try to speak to your leader at the end of an evening, since at the beginning of the evening leaders are rather busy setting up for the evening.