All resource materials for Scouts and events
Cubs Games
Cubs games resources cubs_wide_games cubs_team_games cubs_sense_training_games cubs_pack_games cubs_coming_in_games cubs_acting_games
Gear List for Camps
When Cubs are heading off on camp, there are a number of items they are expected to bring. While this can vary depending on the camp in question, there is a standard list of items you can expect to need at all events, which is provided here
Scouts shirt badge layout
Image showing placement of badges on Scout shirt
Keas shirt badge layout
The Keas badge placements are detailed in this image. You can also obtain a copy of the Kea Award Book from Scouting Direct
Cubs Personal Challenge Badges
A document detailing the various badges and how to obtain them can be downloaded here: Cub Personal Challenge Badges The Cubs Challenge book can be […]