Gear List for Camp
When Cubs or Scouts are heading off on camp, there are a number of items they are expected to bring. While this can vary depending on the camp in question, there is a standard list of items you can expect to need at all events, which is provided here:
Cub-Gearlist-1.1 (PDF) Cub-Gearlist-1.1 (ODT)
If the camp is expected to include Caving activity, then there is an additional Gear list to consider:
Caving Gearlist (PDF) Caving Gearlist (ODT)
Overnight camps will usually ask for each attendee to bring something for Morning Tea. This could be some fruit, or home baking, that would be taken by the leaders at the start and shared amongst the group later on.
Please note
In all cases, make sure that the event organisers have not provided a separate list with different or additional requirements in the event information. Check in OSM if you are unsure.
Unless explicitly told otherwise, you should not bring electronic devices (phones, MP3 players, laptops etc.) or additional food (lollies, chocolate, snacks, etc.) to the camp. In particular, food can cause problems and has in the past resulted in people waking up to find a possum in their tent trying to get into their bag! Electronic devices can get lost or broken, or damaged by the damp, and many campsites are out of mobile phone coverage anyway.
Stretchers and Camp Beds
Stretchers – or camp beds – are used for sleeping, to keep off of the cold damp ground. Folding stretchers are better than inflatable mattresses or thin foam mats, if you can get them. Although they can be quite pricey from somewhere like MacPac or Katmandu, you can often pick them up cheaply for under $20 from TradeMe.
Someone will always be available to help set up the stretcher if necessary, particularly for Keas and younger Cubs who might find it difficult.
See the Gear Page for more details.
Ditty Bags
A ‘ditty bag’ is a small bag to hold plate, bowl and cutlery. Often, people use a small drawstring swimming kit bag for this purpose. You should obtain a non-breakable bowl and plate – metal or plastic – and cutlery. All should be labelled clearly so that the label will still be readable after they have been washed! Again, TradeMe can provide these cheaply or there is always your local camping store. Both MacPac and Kathmandu sell sets of metal cutlery for about $20, and mesh ditty bags for about $15; metal plates and bowls are around $10. You can also get the items cheaply from Army Surplus stores. Note that MacPac will give you a discount of up to 30% if you bring your Scout scarf with you.
A simple ditty bag may be made using a cheap dish drying cloth, some cord, and a sewing machines.
See the Gear Page for more details.
Camp Blanket
The Blanket is part of Scouting tradition, and is worn around the campfire. It should always be made of wool, since other manmade fabrics may be a fire risk. Your Scout will, over time, collect badges and patches from events which can be sewn onto the blanket to provide a physical record of their scouting history – many older leaders have blankets with hundreds of badges and a rich history to tell.
Sometimes, a slit will be cut (and properly hemmed) in the centre of the blanket, so that it can be worn as a poncho; however this is not essential.
A high quality wool blanket is available from Scouting Direct, or you can find them in camping shops or on TradeMe.
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